The Borg Collective

Facing the prospect of having a cataract surgery, I was anxiously waiting for my turn to see my eye doctor.

A rather young technician brought me into a room to get me ready for the meeting. 

Technician:  Any chance you might be looking for some eyeglasses today?

Me: I'm afraid not.  Very likely, I will have cataract surgery soon.  I don't think it makes sense to get new eyeglasses now.

Technician:  Oh.  Okay.   But you seem awfully young for cataract . . . 

Me:  Me?  How old are you?

Technician:  Twenty three.  (She broke out a very sweet smile)

Me:  Hahaha.  I am more than twice your age.  So, I am old . . .  old enough for having cataracts!  Getting old sucks.  Stay young.  Try not to get old too soon.

Technician:  I'll take it to heart.  I'll try my best.  (She smiled sweetly again.)

Me:  Make the most of your youth.  Enjoy it while you can.  You know, when I was young, it felt like it would last forever.  I could not be more wrong.  Before I know it, I am here.  Joints hurt, eyes are failing.  It's not fun.

Technician:  Oh, I already feel like time is moving too fast!

Me:  Indeed, it is.  That's why you need to seize the day and do everything you want while you can.  Dash forward and don't even look back.  Leave home and be your own person.  Set yourself free and become the person you want to be.

Technician:  Leave home?  Oh, no, no, no.  My family wouldn't allow it. 

Me:  (Chuckled)  True.  They may not like the idea.  Yet, to begin with, you have to allow it.  Do you want to?  That's more critical.

Technician:  [Sigh!]  To start. my grandma wouldn't let me.  She knows where I am, what I am doing at all times, as if I have a chip implanted in me.  There is just no way.  It won't happen.

Me:  Asian families.  I grew up in one.  Have you watched Star Trek?  Do you know what Borgs are?

Technician:  Yeah.  Why?

Me: Many Asian families are like Borg Collectives.  Everybody knows what is going on in everybody's life.  Everybody has to know what you are thinking and doing.  The Collective decides what is the best and you do it.

Technician: Yup.  That's my family.  [Sigh!!]

Me:  Life is too short.  You are a smart young lady.  You don't have to be a drone.  Building your own life the way you want is not wrong.  Live for yourself.  It takes some courage and effort.  You just have to let them get used to it.  Trust me: they won't disown you.  

Technician:  [Sigh!!!]  I have been working on it, but I don't think I am there yet.

Me:  Don't wait too long till you become me -- sitting in this chair, waiting for the doctor to check out your cataract.  (We exchanged a smile.)  

Technician:  I have to go take another patient in.  The doctor is going to see you shortly.  

Me:  Thank you for your help.  Remember: Embrace life, enjoy youth.

Technician:  Yes, Ma'am.  Thank you.

My lovely technician squeezed my hand before she disappeared into the hallway.

I maybe a horrible stranger who instills naughty ideas into other people's children's minds, but I am not sorry yet.


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