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Pushing Oranges

I was chatting with a former Aikido student.  Hands down, he is the most talented Aikido student I have ever encountered.  It was such a pleasure to teach someone like him.  He often made me think, "If I had that level of talent, by now, I would be levitating . . . "  Unfortunately, he moved away.  In his new environment, the Aikido scene is not very satisfying at all.  Together with the pressure from his new job and family obligations, after trying for a period of time, he was resigned to the decision of giving up Aikido practice. During our conversation, he shared his observations about some Aikido instructors:  When he pairs up with them at seminars, many instructors can throw well, but as  ukes , they cannot take  ukemi and have very little stamina.   I could not argue with him because I share the same observation.   "As an instructor, can you explain the phenomenon to me?" he asked. "To begin with, how much someone is willing to apply themselves is really

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