"The Flower Is Getting Tired . . ."

I came all the way to say "Happy Birthday" but I ended up having to say "Goodbye".  This is really not what I wanted.   

You once asked me what I called my mother.  "Mama."  I told you.  "The same as me?" you asked.  "Yeah." I said, "You are both Mama to me."  You seemed surprised, but pleased.  I am glad you liked it because I like it, too.

We did have our "When East meets West" moments at first.  Yet, after the dust settled, I think we developed a much better understanding and respect for each other.  I don't think you would have liked it if I were a pushover.  Fortunately, I am not a lamb or a kitty cat.  So, that worked out just fine.  

You had always been a proud, capable, independent person.  You did not like relying on others.  Yet, as you continued to age, eventually, you came to terms with your physical limitations.  Not that you liked it, but you became more willing to accept help.  Even at your most vulnerable moments, you let me into your world and allowed me to take care of you.  Thank you for your faith and trust in me.  It was the biggest badge of honor I can ever have.  

Every once in a while, you would complain mildly, but you never told me to stop or pushed me away.  "Oh, poor mother!" you often said.  "Not true, Mama!" I corrected you.  "It should be 'Oh, happy Mama!  Her children are eager to be here to care for her.'"  Honestly, I love taking care of you.  I really do.  It is just unfortunate that our time has run out . . . 

One time, when we were fixing dinner together in your kitchen, you joked and said something sarcastic about us.  I teased back, "How can you say such a thing about your children?!  What kind of mother are you?"  You turned around and put your hands on your waist.  With a feisty look on your face, you declared, "The darn good kind!"  Great comeback as usual, Mama.  And you are absolutely right: The darn good kind of mother you are!

Thank you for having been my Mama for twenty five good years.  I am grateful for your love and everything that you did for me.  I am sorry about all the headaches and heartaches that I gave you.  I really didn't mean it.  If heaven exists or that there is reincarnation, could you please try to find me?  I'd love to love you all over again.  I'll do better next time.  I promise.

Like the flowers on your table, you are getting tired.  Before we see each other again, get some rest.  Be happy, be well.  I shall never forget you.  I love you, Mama.  ðŸ’–


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